
ul. Bielska 214, 32-652 Bulowice

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Parts catalogs


1. Engine 4CTi90 2,4L Euro 3 Andoria (.pdf 4,5 MB).  click

2. Engine  ADCR 2,6L Euro 4 Andoria.  click

3. Engine GAZ560 2,1L Steyr M14 (.pdf 4,5 MB) click

4. Car  GAZELLE  4x4 - Front Axle and Differential Assemblies. click

5. Car  GAZELLE  4x4 - 4x4 Transfer Gearbox. click

6. Car  GAZELLE - Rear Axle and Differential Assemblies, drive shafts, leaf car spring. click

7. Car  GAZELLE - Gearbox, 4x4 Gearbox, clutch. click

8. Car  GAZELLE Andoria,  exhaust systems. click

9. Car  GAZELLE 2705 Van (.pdf 34 MB). click

10. Car  GAZELLE 3302  (.pdf 74 MB). click

11. Car LUBLIN 3Mi (.pdf 12,8 MB) click


12. DENSO - Parts catalog click

13. DELPHI - Parts catalog click

14. BOSCH - Parts catalog click


15. Nozzle injector diesel click



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FAX  +48 338756813

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